Andrew Breidenbach, PhD
Research Scientist
Andrew Breidenbach is a research scientist at the UNM Cradle to Career Policy Institute focusing on evaluation of early childhood initiatives in New Mexico, specifically using statistical software to analyze state administrative records related to these efforts. His professional work engages with several aspects of New Mexico’s investments in early childhood, such as home visiting and child care programs (including Head Start and PreK), child care assistance subsidies, workforce and professional development for early childhood educators, and retention and turnover in these employment fields. He has also completed analyses on K-12 student outcomes, including assessing the efficacy of Albuquerque-area leadership schools using propensity score matching with similar APS students, and estimating whether there is a relation between the quality of child care received in the toddler and preschool years and children’s early literacy scores in K-3. He received his B.A in Sociology from Emory University in 2010 and his M.A in Sociology from UNM in 2013. In 2021, he completed his dissertation in the UNM Department of Sociology and Criminology about the effects of family responsibility on the transition to adulthood.